Eating Liberally! Wed. 12/3 @ Transfer Pizzeria Cafe on 1st + Mitchell, 6PM onward

O liberal folk of Milwaukee (and anyone else, too),

Eating Liberally will be meeting once again this coming Wednesday at Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, 101 W. Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, from 6:00 PM onward! Transfer has great local food with a wonderful staff and location. Cheese-free and vegetarian pizzas on the menu, along with excellent pastas, coffee, and drinks.

Wednesdays at Transfer are “Walker Rebate Wednesdays.” Ride your bike or take the bus to Transfer, show the server your bus transfer, and you’ll get 20% off your food order!

We’ll also be Drinking Liberally on the third Wednesday of the month (the 17th) over at Sugar Maple, 441 East Lincoln Avenue.

Also, we will be down to just 34 days before we the “End of an Error!” Party on the night of President-Elect Obama’s inauguration, Tuesday, January 20, 2009. Stay tuned for details!

Jason, Jeff, and the Milwaukee DL crew.

Links: Transfer, menu, map

(And an apology to other parents who’ve seen “Dora the Explorer” a few hundred times too many… “Transfer, menu, map! Transfer, menu, map!” I’m so sorry….

Published by Jason Haas

I am a resident of the Bay View neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a member of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. That sometimes comes up on here, as it's kind of a small part of my life. No official county business happens here. I'm mostly using this now to give a rough draft account of how we're dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. God help us all.